Lake Shasta Fishing Guide
As a Forrest Service approved Lake Shasta Fishing Guide we take our clients fishing on one of the most well know lakes in the world, Lake Shasta. Surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery you will ever experience we fish the waters of Lake Shasta for trout and bass.
We fish from my custom jet boat which is always clean and well maintained. It is extremely comfortable and being a jet boat it can get us where we need to go quickly. Many of my clients enjoy the ride in the boat as much as they do the fishing.

As a Lake Shasta Fishing Guide we have everything you need to have an enjoyable fishing trip on Lake Shasta. We provide all equipment, bait, tackle, cooler for your fish and we even clean the fish for you at the end of your trip.
Make sure to have a cooler in your car with ice to take your catch home with you. You will also need to bring your lunch, beverages, appropriate clothing, sun screen, hat , sunglasses, and a camera.
Lake Shasta Facts
About Lake Shasta
- Capacity 4,500,00 acres
- Shasta Dam was finished in 1945
- Shore Length 385 miles
- Maximum Depth 517 feet
- Maximum Length 39 miles
Types Of Fish In The Lake
- Spotted Bass
- Brown Trout
- Rainbow Trout
- Largemouth Bass
- Smallmouth Bass
- Land Locked Chinook Salmon
- Catfish
- Sturgeon
In the summer time the Lake Shasta area can be warm with temperatures well into the 90's. Being on the Lake is a welcome relief as the water and breeze keeps things cooler.
This business operates under special use permit with the Shasta-Trinity National Forest
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